Alert! Your Samsung Device Might Send Your Private Photos to Random People! | Digital Web Review

Alert! Your Samsung Device Might Send Your Private Photos to Random People!

samsung text message app bug

Alert! If you own a Samsung Galaxy S9 or the Samsung Note 8 then your private photos may be at risk! Yes. Several Samsung users reported a new bug in Samsung’s default texting app that is sending random pictures to other people. Many Samsung users across the world have faced the similar issue with the texting app while the app is sending the photos without knowledge.

The exact reason for this bug hasn’t revealed yet, According to the reports from the bug faced users, the problem appeared from Samsung’s default texting app on Galaxy devices.


As soon as the bug reported firstly by GizModo, Samsung sent a statement reply to GizModo, stating, “We are aware of the reports regarding this matter and our technical teams are looking into it. Concerned customers are encouraged to contact us directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG.”


A theory as to why this happens says that Samsung Messages isn’t working correctly with the RCS profile updates that rolled out recently. But when GizModo reached T-Mobiles their reply was “It’s not a T-Mobile issue.”, which is indirectly pointing towards Samsung.


Users who faced this bug, posted about this scariest bug in the Reddit and Samsung forum. One user on Reddit claimed that his all photos in the gallery were sent out to his girlfriend’s device without his knowledge. Moreover, there was no evidence or clue in his device about the sent photos!. Another user claimed in the Samsung forum about a similar incident and he tried several troubleshooting methods too, but none of them worked for him.

samsung phone text message bug


Still, the exact fix for this bug in unknown, if you care about your privacy, you can disable the Samsung Messages app permissions to access your phone’s storage. As this will prevent Messages from sending photos or anything stored on your Samsung device.